Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One Less (think Sex Trafficking isn't happening here...think again)

Sex trafficking in the US is on the rise. In our county alone in the last two years we "know of" 50-100 cases that have been reported. You think about that. But we live in a nice area. It can't happen here. But it can. And it does. Think back to all the reported attempted kidnappings we've experienced in the last 4 months. There's been a lot. But you're just one person. What can you do? There's a lot you can do, even as just one person. Watch this video and we'll talk more.

Doesn't that give you chills. To hear the way they bring them in. It's like drawing a moth to a flame. Someone showing them love.
One less orphan, one less victim of human trafficking, one less victim of sexual exploitation, and one less victim of poverty.~One Less Ministries
To help get one less out of their bad situation won't you think about joining the One Less Latte Club. Donate the price of one latte (or ice cream, or eating out, etc) per month to give to One Less Ministries. This money goes to work here in the US as well as abroad. Lots of times when one is rescued she has no where to go. One Less is working on a plan for her. One less has many goals for this year. Goals that are very doable. Here's One Less Ministries goals straight from their site: 

  1. OLM plans to aid twenty children rescued from human trafficking in the Middle TN area, by providing them with food, housing, and court fees to prosecute their traffickers.
  2. OLM plans to award twenty five $500 adoption grants to families who have met the criteria and been approved for the grant by the selection committee.
  3. OLM plans to begin the process of creating a permanent safe place for recovery in the United States for children rescued from human trafficking located in Middle TN.
  4. OLM plans to aid ten girls once rescued from the sex trade in Southeast Asia by providing funds for their aftercare and housing expenses as a part of our global efforts to fight human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
  5. OLM plans to begin the process of starting an orphanage in Southeast Asia.
If we can keep one child off the street we can keep them from being trafficked. If a child runs away that child has the likelihood of being trafficked within 48 hours. If they are trafficked they're life expectancy is 7 years. Think about that. Let that sink in. 

How can I help? One thing I heard when I went on Saturday to listen to this ministry is that I have wanted to do foster care for a while. What if your home because you opened it to teenagers and foster care kept 1, 3, 6 kids off the street because of the love that they feel at your home. The most commonly trafficked age is 12-14. My son is 15 years old. That just sickens me. My husband and I are in talks to get prepared to open our home to another child. But I don't have the room for another child. They just need a bed to sleep in and a plate at the table. 

I'm in awe of this ministry and all they do. Won't you at least contemplate their goals, needs, and their One Less Latte Club? Thank you One Less for being there to help the ones who have been recovered and get them on their feet and well again.