The 4th of July is coming up. Am I ready for it? I never am. Who knows what we'll do. Probably hang out with friends, eat burgers, and relax. Relaxing is something I'm very good at. My dh is the opposite of relaxing. Although with me not working and getting all the housework done, he's getting much better! My dh rocks. I love you J! He thinks it's ok if I don't work...well he does while I have 3 little ones at home. He's already planning what to buy when they are all in school. I just want to thank my hubby for always allowing me to follow my dreams. Foolish as they might be you always tolerate and never laugh when I want to do something different. I don't think I'll ever work at a job longer than 5 years. That seems to be my magic number. Once that 5 year mark hits it's time for me to do something different. At the moment I'm trying my hand at writing. I'm not sure if I'm pretty good and my friends love it or they're humoring me and secretly think I stink. Hmm I guess if I can ever sell one I'll know. Writing is fun. It allows me to put myself in other people's lives. Ok yes they are made up people but hey they're still people. I'm no Nicholas Sparks (I hate that he always kills off a character, what's up with that?). But I'd love to be the next Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Molly Harper, Jennifer Cruisie, or someone that just sells books.
Well the children are screaming now. The fun begins. Being a stay at home mom some days is amazing and other days you don't have much hair left at the end of the day. You think about the person you used to be. Fun, adventurous, inventive and somehow that turns into content, mediator, and booboo kisser which isn't nearly as exciting. C'est la vie! C'est si bon!