Sunday, December 21, 2008

My weird world

today I have gone to church, directed children from 2-11 to sing Happy Birthday Jesus in a choir, and then came home from church and began the process of pulling my wallpaper down. See we've been in this house for 10 years and only painted the living room and the kids room. Our house has needed paint being as it was built in 1986. The previous owners had put up wallpaper in 3+ rooms. I was very worried that it would be stuck permanently to the wall. I went in there and just started pulling it and it all came off, just that easy. It was awesome. So then I decided well let me see if it will come off in the other bathroom...not quite that easy but maybe if I load it up with some hot water it will pull right off. That's my dream. I'm going to paint them a light brown or kind of the color of cocoa. I'm so excited. I will accent with brown towels and maybe some other autumnal colors too. Of course this will all be purchased with my birthday money in January as we're too broke to pay attention. LOL Lucky for me my dad always buys me gift cards for Dillards so I'll be coming to see you soon Dillards!!

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