Tuesday, May 1, 2012

TMMO (Total Money Makeover continued)

If you've forgotten what we talked about you can refresh your memory about Dave Ramsey's TMMO. Here's the last four of the 8 baby steps we are talking about.

5. Invest 15% into Roth IRA for retirement.

6. Fund college for the kids. Some people think that they need to make sure to fund their kids college. Let me remind you that kids can get loans for college. You can not get a loan to retire! Put the retirement before the college fund.

7. Pay off the house early. Once all these things are funded you can really accelerate the house payoff. When it's paid off you can begin to do all the things you've always wanted to do.

8. Build wealth and give it away. How freeing would it be to help others out when they need it.

Get your house in order. If this recession has taught us anything it's that being prepared and financially fit is the way to live. There are less worries when you have followed these steps. You can handle anything if you take care of yourself. Get the Total Money Makeover and pay that debt off! You won't regret it.

Here are the books that you can purchase to give you all the in depth information that you may need.


If you have any questions please let me know!