Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Review: I Am Number 4 (sci fy movie)

was a movie that I recently enjoyed on a date night with my hubby. It really gave me pause and fodder to think about. It is one of those Scott (Ridley, Tony, one of those) films. To my surprise it was written by James Frey, author of "A Million Little Pieces". I've not read his book but have heard lots of the controversy. I have to say if his books are as good as his movie I will be reading more of him. I'm not going to go into the plot except to say that Numbers 1-3 have been killed and they are trying to protect number 4. It was a really, really good movie. I had actually not heard of it when we went to see it. But am glad I went. Rent this little gem on dvd. I have a tendency to not like movies as much when I rent them as when I see them on the big screen. But it's worth watching it, regardless. I mean, come on, it has Timothy Olyphant (sp?) in it. :P

Any movies you've seen recently that are must see? Please tell me (comment) so I can watch it!

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