Friday, August 5, 2011

Breaking appliance at a time...

My son had some friends over last night. I went into the kitchen to make dinner and noticed that the stove wasn't heating up so well. Yeah, it's broke! I had planned on making brownies and decided not to start them and held off. My dh comes home and is so excited to have to fix an appliance after working all day. Anyway, being broke isn't as glamorous as one might believe. Roseanne and the tv show Still Standing make it look so nice to struggle. Yeah, not so much. This payperiod we've had to purchase a new computer for him to use at work (new software not compatible with any computers that were already there), a $100 calculator and now stove parts. That's in addition to the 5g worth of doctor bills we have. Yeah, we struggle but that gives you an appreciation of what's important. Sitting down to dinner every night (having food in the house!), kissing your children before bed, being healthy and even playing board games. These things that allow us to make memories do not cost money. Yeah, I'll keep telling myself that until we win the lottery. :) Danggit to win you have to play and it costs money to play. Oh well, c'est la vie.